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Summary of The Rainbow Animal

Rachel hides `waffles, her pet hamster, in her pocket for a secret ride on a carousel... Choosing the Rainbow Animal, they end up together in a strangely colourful land where she discovers she's the new Military Advisor in a paint war with the Dullabillies over witches and fish. Worst of all, class nerd, Alec, seems to be on the opposing side, until... 

Book Reviews 

"An entertaining tale of magic and enjoyable read about the ability of one little girl to make a difference."

Shoshana Silverman, writer, Australia

"Oliver Eade has created a fantasy-world, in The Rainbow Animal, that has a lovely blend of fun, madness, and moral tone. Looking Glass-esque in places but with a voice all his own, Oliver hits the right balance between touching on 'issues' such as tolerance and friendship, and those very well placed nuggets of humour that will make young children giggle out loud. I enjoyed this book and would readily recommend it for the target audience; great for reading alone or as a book to be shared and read aloud. "

John C, an Amazon customer

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